Facility Environmental Management

The management of environmental issues at a facility can be very time consuming. AVAR staff have worked as plant managers and use this experience to operate as a part of your team

Environmental Compliance Approval

Read more here


Air Sampling

Process/Stack Sampling

Process or Stack Sampling is used to measure contaminant concentrations and gas flow parameters from a process or combination of processes. This information can be used to assess the facility against Government criteria or to improve the efficiency of the system.


smoke stack

Meeting the Ministry's requirements for reporting emissions can be time consuming- AVAR is here to help


The noise from a facility may require approval from the government. In this situation the facility must assess the noise levels from the facility and compare those levels to various Governmental criteria.

Noise may also be a concern for workers. Noise monitoring programs are used to help manage noise levels.

Indoor Air

Industrial Hygiene or Occupational Hygiene

The quality of indoor air is managed by measurement of various contaminants which may accumulate in the working environment. Common examples are:

  • Welding Fumes
  • Metals
  • Plastics emissions
  • Mould
  • Solvents
  • Particulate
  • Asbestos
  • Silica
  • Benzene
  • Isocyanates
  • Lead


Workers removing asbestos

Workers removing asbestos

factory worker wearing air monitor

An employee wearing a monitor during a lead study

Office Air

Sampling of office air is a common tool used to manage indoor air quality.

Sampling is conducted using various standard methods. Over the years we have also had to create custom sampling methods and equipment for those situations which standard methods would not work or do not exist.


air samples

Air samples prepared for study

Environmental Management Reviews

It is important to keep the facility up to date with changes made to environmental and health and safety regulations. Regular reviews of the facility are the best way to stay current. We routinely meet with facilities to review their operations and discuss upcoming regulatory changes.

Contaminated Sites

Contamination of the groundwater and soil can lead to environmental and financial issues. Groundwater and soil sampling are used to determine the impact spills may have at the facility.

Environmental Site Assessments are used to determine the history of the site and serve to create a remediation plan, should it be required.

Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)

  • Phase I: Determines the history of the site and potential for contamination.
  • Phase II: Samples are taken in an effort to determine if any contamination is present.
  • Phase III: In the event that contamination is detected, further sampling is carried out in order to determine
  • Phase IV: A remedial action plan is created and implemented to restore the site.


Waste water

The challenges of waste water management require constant attention. We provide services to help you manage your waste water.

Drinking Water

Many facilities test their drinking water.  Drinking water quality changes frequently. Sampling of your drinking water can be completed to determine the quality levels within your facility.

Groundwater sampling

Groundwater is sampled to determine its use for drinking, as well as to determine any and all contamination levels.  To ensure drinking water is clean, samples are assessed as per Governmental criteria.

waste water testing

Wastewater testing in progress

ground water sampling

Groundwater sampling in progress